Toss' Today's Tip Surpasses 800M Total Views

by toss

  • Provides financial life tips in article form on loans, savings, investments, and more
  • Features easy-to-understand financial information for everyday life
  • Total subscribers surpass 7.9 million, especially popular among those in their 20s

Viva Republica, the operator of the financial super app "Toss," announced that the total views for its “Today’s Tip” service has surpassed 800 million views. “Today’s Tip” is a free content service run by Toss that users can subscribe to, aimed at providing easy-to-understand financial knowledge.

The service launched in September 2020 and provides article-format content on topics such as loans, savings, investments, daily life, real estate, and more. It features simple explanations of financial information frequently asked about in daily life. As a result, it has reached 800 million views in just four years and five months.

Some of the most popular articles last year include “How much do you need to quit your job right now? 1B vs. 10B,” “When did people start giving New Year's money?”, and “What’s the best way to split the bill?”. The article with the highest total views received 4.82 million views.

Today’s Tip provides quizzes, horoscopes, and card news every morning, which has contributed to the service’s popularity by increasing accessibility to articles. For example, users can take a quiz like “Do you have to pay income tax on money earned abroad?” which then leads them to the article “Do you have to pay income taxes on overseas income?” once they answer.

The total number of subscribers who receive Today’s Tip regularly has surpassed 7.9 million. Subscribers are spread evenly across age groups: 1.23 million teenagers (15.6%), 1.65 million in their 20s (20.9%), 1.27 million in their 30s (16.1%), 1.51 million in their 40s (19.1%), and 1.49 million in their 50s (18.9%). Subscribers aged 60 and above reached 740,000, showing a broad subscription base across all age groups.

“Under Toss’ mission to create a simple and practical financial environment, we provide content that users can easily understand and apply in their daily lives,” a Toss representative said. “We will continue to offer timely and diverse topics that resonate with all age groups.”