
The first ever real-time international fractional trading on Toss Securities


The first stock traded on Toss Securities after the launch of the Real-Time International Fractional Trading service was Tesla for 0.000805 shares. The buyer paid exactly ₩1,000, the minimum amount allowed for purchasing premium US stocks and ETFs. Investment of premium US Stocks and ETFs start from ₩1,000 at Toss Securities.

bill ₩1,000

It may have occurred to you that it would be nice to purchase international stocks at smaller fractions, since the price per share is pretty high. In April 19th, 2022, Toss launched the Real-Time International Fractional Trading service, which is the first of its kind in the industry. Since its launch, more than 2.02 million users have tried the service out.

A similar fractional trading service for international stocks existed, but it operated by having the securities company gather orders from users and execute them once daily (and it was limited to whole shares). This process created a delay between when an order was placed and when the purchase was completed, leaving customers exposed to uncertainty in a highly volatile market.

Toss Securities provides “real-time” international fractional trading, offering the same seamless experience as trading whole shares. This innovation enables individuals to participate in the US market, enhancing accessibility to international stock trading. It has been praised for delivering a customer-centric service, breaking away from the traditional provider-centered approach.

Toss Securities offers a simple and convenient platform for trading fractional shares, enriched with engaging content and supported by a secure and vibrant community. Committed to innovation, Toss Securities will continue to deliver an enjoyable investment experience.

Toss Securities domestic market share for international stock trading


Toss Securities achieved a monthly trading volume of ₩30,000,000,000,000 in just 3 years since its conception, placing it at #1 in the domestic market share for international stock trading.

Many services were launched before Toss Securities became #1 in market share for international stocks trading. One of the most beloved service by our users is the Stock Savings service.

Toss Securities’ Stock Savings is a dollar-cost averaging investment service that automatically and regularly purchases a set amount of stocks. Domestic stocks can be bought starting from as little as 1 share and international stocks starting from as low as ₩1,000. Since its launch in March 2022, 1.37 million people have started using this service. On average, each user has 2.8 active Stock Savings plans, and over half of the users—55%, to be precise—trade stocks daily.

Foreign stocks loved by Toss Securities users

TeslaAppleCoca ColaMicrosoftNvidia

The most actively traded stock with Stock Savings is Tesla. Apple, Nvidia, Microsoft, Coca Cola follow behind and there is a high preference for international stocks. This service is highly popular as it allows users to start investing with as little as ₩1,000 (for international stocks)—less than the cost of a morning cup of coffee. For domestic stocks, Samsung Electronics, Kakao, and Samsung Heavy Industries are at the top of the list.

Check out other numbers

20,000years1times every 3days8.3days5,581,647,441365days 24hours38,000tress597billion0.000805shares0.01%974,600,000bowls

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