Monthly Finances
How do users interact with Toss throughout the 12 months of the year? Explore monthly financial activity data with Toss.
Total calories burned off with Toss Walk, converted into Ramyeon bowls
Toss users burned calories equivalent of over 900 million bowls of ramyeon through Toss Walk.
Toss Walk recorded a total of 16,243,300,000,000 steps in total from users. If one step burns off 0.03 kcal, a total of 487.3 billion calories have been burned. This is equivalent to 974,600,000 bowls of rameyon, assuming each bowl contains 500 kcal.
The number of ramyeon consumed by Toss Walk users
Users walked an average of 5,821 steps every day. That’s 175 kcal, which means 2 fried eggs were burned off. *Based on Sep 2023~Nov 2024.
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Enough points earned every month, converted into bags of fish-shaped pastries
Toss users collected on averaged 2,192 Toss Points, which is enough to buy one bag of fish-shaped pastry every month. Toss provides a variety of benefits through services like Toss Walk, Today’s Luck, Lucky Trivia, Money Notification, and more.
All these services provide users a chance to win points every day. Toss users collected a whopping total of 13,185,602,364 points on average every month, which means each user earned 2,192 points on average every month. Earn points with Toss every day and grab yourself a snack on your way home with your well-earned points.
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Monthly Finances
How do users interact with Toss throughout the 12 months of the year? Explore monthly financial activity data with Toss.
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