Loan Comparison

Annual leave days saved with the Toss Loan Comparison service


Users were able to save 8.3 days of annual leave with the Toss Loan Comparison service.

At Toss, users are able to look through loan products offered from 67 financial institutions at once. It takes less than a minute for Toss to scan multiple institutions and make loan information readily available to users. Imagine you’re visiting each financial institution branch to compare loans. Assuming that it takes 1 hour to visit each branch, you’d need 67 hours to make the same comparison offered at Toss. One minute on Toss, compared to 1 hour at a bank; that’s a lot of time saved.

Calculating the 8 million people that have used the Toss Loan Comparison service, that’s a whopping 500 million hours saved. This is an average of 8.3 (very precious) days of annual leave. We hope users were able to use this saved time with their family and friends, rather than spending it rushing between banks to compare loan options. *Based on Nov 2024 (one month)

Time saved with Toss Loan Comparison service

1 minute

67 hours

Amount saved with Toss Loan Comparison service


Users saved a monthly average of ₩740,000 by using the Toss Loan Comparison service.

Users were able to easily refinance their loan whenever new products with better conditions or lower interest rates were offered. As a result, the 2021 August pre-screening interest rates dropped by an average of 5 percentage points during the 2 years since the service was launched in August of 2019.

This seems to have added an extra ₩740,000 to each user’s disposable income. If users were to take this extra money and invest it in a product with a 5% return every month for 10 years, they would accumulate ₩100 million!

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20,000years1times every 3days8.3days5,581,647,441365days 24hours38,000tress597billion0.000805shares0.01%974,600,000bowls

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