Monthly Finances
How do users interact with Toss throughout the 12 months of the year? Explore monthly financial activity data with Toss.
Time saved with Toss Simple Transfers
Toss Simple Transfers saved about 20,000 years of users’ time. If you don’t get a sense of how long 20,000 years is, 20,000 years ago was the Ice Age—when the now-extinct woolly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers with long fangs roamed the earth.
Before Toss Simple Transfers, money could only be transferred online or on mobile using an accredited certificate. It takes an average of 3 minutes (180 seconds) to transfer money using an accredited certificate, but with Toss, it only take 30 seconds at most.
Max. time required for Toss transfers
Assuming that this saves 150 seconds per transaction, multiplied by the 4.2 billion transfers made over the last 10 years with Toss, the time saved is approximately 17.5 billion hours. In years it translates to 20,000 years.
Cups of coffee that can be bought with the money saved in transfer fees
If we were to buy coffee (Americano) for all Koreans using the transfer fees saved after Toss introduced free transfers for life, everyone would get 9 cups of coffee.
Cups of coffee saved with free transfers
On August 2, 2021, Toss became the first in the industry to declare “a world without transfer fees.” Since the introduction of lifelong free transfers, Toss users have collectively saved approximately ₩966,284,948,500 to date.
The most commonly used financial service by people is money transfers. Toss set out to remove even the slightest hesitation caused by transfer fees when sending money. Driven by a deep focus on customer needs, Toss introduced lifelong free transfers to eliminate the psychological barrier associated with sending money.
This marked a significant step toward our vision: becoming the one financial app users would choose to keep, if they could only have one.
Lifelong Free Transfers with Toss
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Monthly Finances
How do users interact with Toss throughout the 12 months of the year? Explore monthly financial activity data with Toss.
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