Monthly Finances
How do users interact with Toss throughout the 12 months of the year? Explore monthly financial activity data with Toss.
Toss users make a credit score inquiry
Toss Credit Score Inquiry users manage their credit score by making an inquiry once every three days. Users receive a notification when either their credit score changes, when it’s time to make a loan payment, or even when issuing/canceling a credit card. That is why users make around 10 credit score inquiries a month.
Did you know making a credit score inquiry doesn’t affect your credit score? In April 2011, the Financial Services Commission announced plans to revise the policy to ensure that credit inquiries would no longer impact credit scores. By October of the same year, an amendment was implemented to remove any effect of credit inquiries on individuals' scores.
At Toss, users can raise their credit score at two credit rating agencies (KCB and NICE) with a single tap. A large share of users were able to improve their credit scores after using the Toss Credit Score Inquiry service. 1 in 2 (49%) managed to raise their KCB score, and 1 in 5 (20%) managed to raise their NICE score. *Based on Toss Credit Inquiry Service use in Jan 2024~Nov 2024.
% of users whose credit scores increased
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Credit score points raised by Toss ‘free’ Credit Score Inquiry service
Thanks to the Credit Score Inquiry service, 25 million users managed to raise over 500 million points of credit score in total. On average, KCB scores improved by 97 points and NICE scores improved by 52.9 points.
Did you know that in the past people had to pay to make a credit score inquiry? On February of 2017, Toss launched the first “completely free” credit score inquiry service. Toss wanted to make credit management easy and accessible to everyone as it is the basis of anyone’s financial experience.
Now anyone can open the Toss app and manage their credit score for free, and users can view other information about their finances such as cards, loans, deferrals, etc. Eight years after its launch, many other financial apps are now offering similar services, likely contributing to a significant rise in credit scores across the Korean population.
Manage Your Credit Score with Toss
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Monthly Finances
How do users interact with Toss throughout the 12 months of the year? Explore monthly financial activity data with Toss.
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