Toss in

In February 2015, Toss introduced the first simple transfer service that did not require an accredited certificate, revolutionizing how people send money. Since then, Toss has continuously worked to reduce the time and cost users spend on tedious financial tasks—so they can focus on what truly matters in their daily lives. How much time and money has Toss helped users save? Explore 10 key ways Toss has transformed finance over the past decade.

  • The services, policies, and business-related figures in Toss in Numbers are based on data accumulated from Toss’ launch through November 2024.
  • Data calculated for specific periods is indicated separately.

20,000years1times every 3days8.3days5,581,647,441365days 24hours38,000tress597billion0.000805shares0.01%974,600,000bowls

Monthly Finances

How do users interact with Toss throughout the 12 months of the year? Explore monthly financial activity data with Toss.

Explore Monthly Finances

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